Can You Tell About Your Education?

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Norwegian English
Kan du fortelle om utdanningen din?
Can you tell about your education?
Jeg studerte i India.
I studied in India.
Jeg gikk til en engelsk medium skole.
I went to an English medium school.
Jeg hadde grunnopplæringen i skolen.
I had primary and secondary education in school.
Jeg var god i studier.
I was good in studies.
Jeg var interessert i matematikk og vitenskap.
I was interested in maths and science.
Etter å ha fullført skolen, dro jeg til høyskole.
After completing school, I went to college.
Min viktigste område av studien var vitenskap.
My main area of study was science.
Jeg har spesialisert seg på elektronikk i to år.
I specialized in electronics for two years.
Jeg studerte i fire år med høgskolen.
I studied for four years of university college.
Min spesialisering var dataingeniør.
My specialization was computer engineering.

To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.

You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.