Can You Tell About The School System in Norway?

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Norwegian English
Kan du fortelle om skolesystemet i Norge?
Can you tell about the school system in Norway?
Barn fra 1 til 5 år kan gå i barnehage.
Children from 1 to 5 years can go to kindergarten.
Barn fra 6 til 15 år skal gå i grunnskolen.
Children from 6 to 15 years can go to the primary school.
Grunnskolen er delt opp i barneskole og ungdomsskole.
The primary school is divided up into elementary school and middle school.
Alle barn i Norge har rett og plikt til å gå på grunnskole.
All children in Norway have the right and obligation to attend primary school.
Grunnskolen er gratis.
The primary school is free.
Alle som har fullført grunnskole har rett til tre års videregående opplæring.
All who have completed primary education are entitled to three years of secondary education.
Videregående opplæring er frivillig.
Secondary education is voluntary.
Også videregående skole er gratis i Norge.
Also high school is free in Norway.

To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.

You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.