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Norwegian | English |
Kan du fortelle om barndommen din? | Can you tell about your childhood? |
Jeg hadde en veldig god barndom. | I had a very good childhood. |
Jeg var en veldig rolig barn. | I was a very quiet child. |
Jeg var god i studier. | I was good in studies. |
Jeg bodde i et svært lite hus. | I stayed in a very small house. |
Jeg likte å leke med vennene mine. | I liked to play with my friends. |
Vi spilte cricket og andre spill. | We played cricket and other games. |
Jeg likte å se tegnefilmer på TV. | I enjoyed watching cartoons on TV. |
Jeg har også sett mye av bryting. | I also watched a lot of wrestling. |
Jeg likte å spille videospill. | I liked to play video games. |
To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.
You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.