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In the last post, you began to learn about Norwegian Nouns and Articles. As promised, I am going to help you understand more about the deadly combination of Nouns and Articles.
Recall that entall means singular and flertall means plural. Also ubestemt means indefinite and bestemt means definite.
Entall Ubestemt Substantive (Singular Indefinite Noun)
We have already seen this form of the noun in
- Learn About Nouns in Norwegian Part 1
- Learn About Nouns in Norwegian Part 2
- Learn About Nouns in Norwegian Part 3
Norwegian | English |
en gutt | a boy |
ei dør | a door |
et vindu | a window |
Entall Bestemt Substantive (Singular Definite Noun)
Note how the article in Norwegian maps to the article in English. One of the peculiar aspects of the Norwegian noun is that the article is attached to the end of the definite form. So for example, “en gutt“ (indefinite) becomes “gutten“ (definite).
Norwegian | English |
gutten | the boy |
døra | the door |
vinduet | the window |
Flertall Ubestemt Substantive (Plural Indefinite Noun)
As you can see below, the “er” in the Norwegian plural is similar to the “s” that we use when creating a plural in English.
Norwegian | English |
flere gutter | several boys |
flere dører | several doors |
flere vinduer | several windows |
Flertall Bestemt Substantive (Plural Definite Noun)
As you can see below, the “ene” in the Norwegian plural is similar to the “s” that we use when creating a plural in English. Also recall that since this is a definite form, the article is attached to the end of the noun. For example, “guttene” specifies “the boys“.
Norwegian | English |
guttene | the boys |
dørene | the doors |
vinduene | the windows |
Here is a video to help you see how these various forms are pronounced. To get access to more video lessons instantly, please visit Norwegian Class 101.
To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.
You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.