Learn About Nouns in Norwegian Part 2

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In the last post, we began to learn about nouns in norwegian part 1. We learnt some of the Hankjønn (Male Gender) nouns. Remember that you need to learn the gender of a noun along with the noun because the rules of Norwegian grammar are different for each of the genders. So while learning a noun, remember the article associated with it. The article used to identify the female gender noun, Hunkjønn is ei.

Below are lots of Hunkjønn words that you can learn and add to your vocabulary.

Norwegian English
 ei dør
a door
 ei bygd
a village
 ei flaske
a bottle
 ei sol
a sun
 ei sky
a cloud
 ei geit
a goat
 ei høne
a hen
 ei veske
a purse
 ei jakke
a jacket
 ei bukse
a trouser
 ei strømpe
a stocking
 ei kåpe
a coat
 ei skjorte
a shirt
 ei lue
a cap
 ei and
a duck
 ei bok
a book
 ei tå
a toe
 ei hand
a hand
 ei natt
a night
 ei tann
a tooth
 ei mor
a mother
 ei datter
a daughter
 ei søster
a sister

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