Learn About Nouns in Norwegian Part 1

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As you may know, a noun is a name for a person or a thing. For example, Kevin is a noun, vegetable is a noun, etc. Learning about nouns in Norwegian is probably one of the more difficult things. Why?

Because nouns in Norwegian can be classified into three categories based on gender,

 Hankjønn (en)
Male Gender
 Hunkjønn (ei)
Female Gender
 Intetkjønn (et)
Neutral Gender

You need to learn the gender of a noun along with the noun because the rules of Norwegian grammar are different for each of the genders. Note the articles in () above. These articles help to identify the gender of the noun. So while learning a noun, remember the article associated with it (and you will recognize the gender). The article used to identify the male gender, Hankjønn is en.

So let’s begin with the male gender nouns i.e Hankjønn. Here are lots of words you can add to your vocabulary. Once again remember to learn the noun along with the gender.

Norwegian English
 en gutt
a boy
 en stol
a stool
 en bil
a car
 en pult
a desk
 en linjal
a ruler
 en hest
a horse
 en okse
an ox
 en telefon
a telephone
 en maskin
a machine
 en interesse
an interest
 en diskusjon
a discussion
 en kamerat
a comrade
 en religion
a religion
 en konflikt
a conflict
 en klubb
a club
 en immigrant
an immigrant
 en mann
a man
 en fot
a foot
 en bror
a brother
 en far
a father
 en lærer
a teacher
 en murer
a mason
 en baker
a baker
 en fisker
a fisherman
 en arbeider
a worker
 en amerikaner
an american
 en finger
a finger
 en skulder
a shoulder
 en ankel
an ankle
 en kjeks
a biscuit
 en feil
a failure
 en ting
a thing
 en sko
a shoe
 en meter
a meter

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