Can You Tell About Training?

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Norwegian English
Kan du fortelle om trening?
Can you tell about training?
Det er veldig viktig å trene regelmessig.
It is very important to train regularly.
Trening holder deg sunn og frisk.
Training keeps you fit and healthy.
Det gjør også at du føler deg ung.
It also makes you feel young.
Du kan trene med vekter for styrke.
You can train with weights for strength.
Du kan gjøre cardio for din utholdenhet.
You can do cardio for your stamina.
Gå raskt er en enkel måte å trene.
Walking briskly is a easy way to exercise.
Du kan delta i et treningsstudio og trene hver dag.
You can join a gym and train every day.
Det er viktig å ha et godt kosthold samt.
It is important to have good nutrition as well.

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