Can You Tell About Healthy Foods?

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Norwegian English
 Kan du fortelle om sunn mat?
Can you tell about healthy foods?
 Det er veldig viktig å spise sunn mat.
It is very important to eat healthy foods.
 Frukt og grønnsaker er bra for helsen.
Fruits and vegetables are good for health.
 De inneholder masse vitaminer og fiber.
They contain lots of vitamins and fiber.
 Gode kjøtt er også veldig sunt.
Good meats are also very healthy.
 De inneholder proteiner.
They contain proteins.
 Melk er veldig bra for kalsium.
Milk is very good for calcium.
 Vi bør også spise mye fisk.
We should also eat lots of fish.
 De har massevis av sunt fett.
They have lots of healthy fats.
 Vi bør unngå stekt, usunn mat.
We should avoid fried, unhealthy foods.
 Vi bør unngå for mye søtsaker.
We should avoid too many sweets.
 Vi må drikke mye vann.
Drinking lots of water is good for health.

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