Tell About How You Like It In Norway?

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Norwegian English
Fortell om hvordan du liker deg i Norge?
Tell about how you like it in Norway?
Jeg liker å bo i Norge.
I like to live in Norway.
Jeg synes Norge er ganske vakkert.
I find Norway to be quite beautiful.
Det er også veldig fredelig å leve.
It is also very peaceful to live.
Det er bra å jobbe i Norge.
It is good to work in Norway.
Arbeidet og familielivet er bra.
The work and family life is good.
Lønnen er også bra.
The salary is also good.
Det kan bli litt kaldt i Norge.
It can get a bit cold in Norway.
Men du blir vant til det.
But you get used to it.
Det er dyrt å bo i Norge.
It is expensive to live in Norway.
Og vanskelig å finne en jobb.
And hard to find a job.

To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.

You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.