Tell About A Time You Moved?

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Norwegian English
Fortell om en gang du flyttet?
Tell about a time you moved?
Jeg måtte flytte fra Majorstuen til Grorud.
I had to move from Majorstuen to Grorud.
Eieren av det nye huset hjalp meg.
The owner of the new house helped me.
Det nye huset var moderne.
The new house was modern.
Jeg måtte endre adressen med skattekontoret.
I had to change the address with the Tax Office.
Jeg måtte endre fastlege.
I had to change the alloted doctor.
Det nye huset var nær mitt kontor.
The new house was near my office.
Så jeg kunne gå til kontoret.
So I could walk till the office.
Det tok meg ca 40 minutter.
It took me about 40 minutes.
Det var ikke mange butikker i nærheten.
There were not many shops nearby.
Huset var nær Grorud togstasjon.
The house was close to Grorud train station.

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