Can You Tell About The Nature in Norway and In Homeland?

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Norwegian English
Kan du fortelle om naturen i Norge og i hjemlandet?
Can you tell about the nature in Norway and in homeland?
Jeg kommer fra India.
I come from India.
Både Norge og India har vakker natur.
Both Norway and India have beautiful nature.
Mesteparten av Norge har en skandinavisk vær.
Most of Norway has a Scandinavian weather.
I India, skiller været etter region.
In India, the weather differs by region.
Vi har kaldt vær i nord.
We have cold weather in the North.
Vi har varmt vær i sør.
We have warm weather in the South.
Det finnes mange varianter av dyr i India.
There are many varieties of animals in India.
Både Norge og India har mange fjell og elver.
Both Norway and India have many mountains and rivers.
Norge bryr seg om naturen bedre enn India.
Norway cares for nature better than India.
Norge har sommer, høst, vinter og vår.
Norway has summer, autumn, winter and spring.
India har sommer, vinter og monsun.
India has summer, winter and monsoon.

To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.

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