Learn About Schooling in Norwegian

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Most people including myself have fond memories of their days in school. Did you have a good experience in your school days? Maybe you could comment how the schooling in your country was different than mentioned below.

Here is a bit of a comparison between how schooling is conducted in India as well as Norway. Some of this information may be a bit outdated because I’m not in tune with the latest changes in India but you can get a general idea.

India Norway
De fleste indiske barn går i barnehage.

Most Indian children go to kindergarten.

De fleste norske barn går i barnehage.

Most Norwegian children go to kindergarten.

Grunnskolen er fra klassen 1 til 8.

The primary education is from class 1 till 8.

Grunnskolen er fra klassen 1 til 10.

The primary education is from class 1 till 10.

Grunnskolen er obligatorisk og gratis.

The primary education is obligatory and free.

Grunnskolen er obligatorisk og gratis.

The primary education is obligatory and free.

Barna får bøker og skrivemateriell.

The children get books and writing material.

Barna får bøker og skrivemateriell.

The children get books and writing material.

Skolebarn bruker uniform.

School children use uniform.

Skolebarn bruker ikke uniform.

The school children do not use uniform.

Skolebarn får karakterer fra 1 klasse.

School children get grades from class 1.

Skolebarn får karakterer fra 8 klasse.

School children get grades from class 8.

De fleste barn får ikke mat på skolen.

Most children do not get food at the school.

De fleste barn får ikke mat på skolen.

Most children do not get food at the school.

Videregående opplæring er to år.

Secondary education is for two years.

Videregående opplæring er tre eller fire år.

Secondary education is for three or four years.

Høyere videregående opplæring er to år.

Higher secondary education is for two years.


To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.

You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.

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