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Hurray! It’s almost weekend and time for another post at Learn Norwegian. Why so excited you ask? Well, because it’s time to learn about interjections in Norwegian.
What are interjections?
You have already seen one in the title of this post. Words like hurray!, oh!, ugh!, ah!, etc are know as interjections. Usually words that magnify the emotions of the sentence.
Without making you wait any futher, here are some Norwegian sentences using interjections.
Norwegian | English |
Fy, så slem du er! | Tut tut, so mean you are! |
Uff, så varmt det er! | Ugh, so hot it is! |
Hurra, det er helgen i morgen. | Hurrah, it’s the weekend tomorrow. |
Ja, jeg skal reise til Oslo. | Yes, I shall travel to Oslo. |
Jo, jeg har fem kroner. | Yes, I have five krones. |
Nei, jeg kan ikke spise mer. | No, I can not eat more. |
As you can see, ja, jo and nei er also interjections.
What’s the difference between ja and jo you ask? Ah! Now that’s a good question. Oh! But we have already learnt about it. Sorry about the interjections, I get too excited with them 🙂
We learnt a lot about How To Say Yes In Norwegian.
(I know Louis Janus suggests that we could use ja in place of jo without confusing anyone but it’s fun to learn them anyways 🙂 )
To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.
You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.