Tell About Houses in Norway and Your Homeland?

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Norwegian English
Fortell om boliger i Norge og i hjemlandet ditt?
Tell about houses in Norway and in your homeland?
Hus i Norge er laget av tre.
Houses in Norway are made of wood.
De er vakre.
They are beautiful.
De er isolert for å holde varmen.
They are insulated to keep warm.
De har en røykdetektor.
They have a smoke detector.
De er omgitt av trær.
They are surrounded by trees.
Husene i India er laget av betong.
Houses in India are made of concrete.
De er bra også.
They are good too.
Det er ingen isolering nødvendig.
There is no insulation required.
Det er ingen røykdetektor.
There is no smoke detector.
Det er ikke mange trær i nærheten.
There are not many trees nearby.

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