Can You Tell About A City You Like?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om en by du liker? Can you tell about a city you like? Byen jeg liker er Oslo. The city I like is Oslo. Jeg liker det fordi det er fredelig. I like it because it is peaceful. Det er mange trær i Oslo. There are a lot of trees … Read more

Can You Tell About A Place You Like?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om et sted du liker? Can you tell about a place you like? Jeg liker Goa i India. I like Goa in India. Det er en ferie sted i India. It is a vacation place in India. Det er et vakkert sted. It is a beautiful place. Den har mange … Read more

Can You Tell About Places You Have Seen In Norway?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om steder du har sett i Norge? Can you tell about places you have seen in Norway? Jeg har bodd det meste i Oslo. I have lived mostly in Oslo. Så jeg har sett mange steder i Oslo. So I have seen many places in Oslo. Jeg har sett Karl … Read more

Can You Tell About The Nature in Norway and In Homeland?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om naturen i Norge og i hjemlandet? Can you tell about the nature in Norway and in homeland? Jeg kommer fra India. I come from India. Både Norge og India har vakker natur. Both Norway and India have beautiful nature. Mesteparten av Norge har en skandinavisk vær. Most of Norway … Read more

Can You Tell About A Time When You Were Happy?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om en gang du var glad? Can you tell about a time when you were happy? Jeg var glad da jeg fikk min første jobb. I was happy when I got my first job. Etter høyskole, var jeg arbeidsledig i 6 måneder. After college, I did not have a job … Read more

Can You Tell About A Time You Were Sad?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om en gang du var trist? Can you tell about a time when you were sad? Jeg hadde levd min barndom i et hus. I had lived my childhood in a house. Jeg hadde mange venner i lokaliteten. I had many friends in the locality. Nabolaget var hyggelig og vennlig. … Read more

Can You Tell About The Food In Your Country?

Norwegian English  Kan du fortelle om maten i hjemlandet ditt? Can you tell about the food in your country?  Maten i India er veldig krydret og deilig. The food in India is very spicy and delicious.  Mange i India spiser vegetarmat. Many Indians eat vegetarian food.  Vi liker å spise søtsaker og matbiter. We like … Read more

Can You Tell About What You Will Work With?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om hva du vil jobbe med? Can you tell about what you will work with? Jeg ønsker å jobbe med programvare utvikling. I want to work with software development. Jeg jobber allerede som en programvare ingeniør. I am already working as a software engineer. Jeg vil også gjerne undervise norsk. … Read more

Can You Tell About Yourself?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om deg selv? Can you tell about yourself? Jeg heter Kevin Rodrigues. My name is Kevin Rodrigues. Jeg er fra Mumbai, India. I am from Mumbai, India. Jeg er en data ingeniør fra Mumbai universitet. I am a software engineer from Mumbai University. Jeg jobber på Larsen And Toubro Technology … Read more

Can You Tell About A Friend?

Norwegian English Kan du fortelle om en venn? Can you tell about a friend? Jeg har en venn som heter Linesh. I have a friend called Linesh. Han er fra Bhopal, India. He is from Bhopal, India. Han er en data ingeniør. He is a sofware engineer. Han jobber i Oslo. He works in Oslo. … Read more