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In this post you will learn some words and phrases about transportation in Norwegian.
Norwegian | English |
en bil | a car |
en buss | a bus |
en båt | a boat |
en trikk | a tram |
et tog | a train |
et fly | a plane |
en sykkel | a bicycle |
en sjåfør | a driver |
en passasjer | a passenger |
trafikk | traffic |
et skilt | a sign |
et lyskryss | a traffic signal |
en vei | a road |
en billett | a ticket |
en kø | a queue |
en rutetabell | a timetable |
Below are some phrases about transportation in Norwegian
Norwegian | English |
Barn sykler til skolen. | Children cycle to the school. |
Jeg tar t-banen. | I take the subway. |
Jeg tar bussen. | I take the bus. |
Jeg går til jobben. | I walk till the workplace. |
Jeg kjører bil. | I drive a car. |
Jeg kjøper bilett på bussen. | I purchase a ticket on the bus. |
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