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Norway is an expensive place to stay and you need to work there to survive. Keep learning Norwegian because most workplaces require that you know how to read, write and speak Norwegian.
Below are some words related to work and professions that you can add to your Norwegian vocabulary.
Norwegian | English |
et yrke | a profession |
en utdanning | an education |
en søknad | an application |
en arbeidsplass | a workplace |
et kontor | an office |
et sykehus | a hospital |
et sykehjem | a nursing home |
en politistasjon | a police station |
en frisørsalong | a hair dressing salon |
et hotell | a hotel |
en restaurant | a restaurant |
en gård | a farm |
et verksted | a workshop |
en fabrikk | a factory |
ei systue | a sewing place |
ei kirke | a church |
politi | police |
postbud | postman |
lærer | teacher |
prest | priest |
lege | doctor |
tannlege | dentist |
sykepleier | nurse |
renholder | cleaner |
frisør | hair dresser |
servitør | waiter |
skredder | tailor |
snekker | carpenter |
maler | painter |
mekaniker | mechanic |
fabrikkarbeider | factory worker |
sjåfør | driver |
bussjåfør | bus driver |
truckfører | truck driver |
bonde | farmer |
fisker | fisherman |
oljearbeider | oil worker |
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“truck” is a fork lift in Norway, so “truckfører” is a fork-lift driver.
Truck driver is “lastebilsjåfør”.
Thanks for the comment, q3a.