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Prepositions are something that tell us where one thing or person is in relation to another thing or person.
If you don’t know what prepositions in Norwegian are, you should begin by reading:
- Learn About Prepositions in Norwegian Part 1
- Learn About Prepositions in Norwegian Part 2
- Learn About Prepositions in Norwegian Part 3
Let’s continue learning about some prepositions that tell about the place where someone or something is or goes. In the last post, we learnt about the preposition på. This lesson focuses on the preposition til.
Til in Norwegian translates to to in English as you can see in the examples below.
Norwegian | English |
Jeg skal til India. | I will travel to India. |
Jeg skal reise til India. | I will travel to India. |
De reiste til Mumbai. | They travelled to Mumbai. |
Han skal til fjells. | He will go to the mountains. |
Jeg skal gå til sjøs. | I will go to the sea. (I will be a sailor). |
Jeg sendte blomster til hun. | I sent flowers to her. |
Kan du ringe (til) meg i morgen? | Can you call me in the morning? |
Kan du komme til meg i morgen? | Can you come to me in the morning? |
Denne maten er til deg. | This food is to you. |
To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.
You can get a Norwegian Beginner's Course for free at Mystery of Nils.