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Below are some words for family members to help you improve your Norwegian vocabulary.
Norwegian | English |
en familie | a family |
familiemedlemmer | family members |
ei mor | a mother |
ei søster | a sister |
en bror | a brother |
en bestefar en farfar en morfar | a grandfather
a grandfather (father’s father) a grandfather (mother’s father) |
ei bestemor ei farmor ei mormor | a grandmother
a grandmother (father’s mother) a grandmother (mother’s mother) |
besteforeldre | grandparents |
foreldre | parents |
ei tante | an aunt |
en onkel | an uncle |
ei kusine | a cousin (female) |
en fetter | a cousin (male) |
Here is a video from the beautiful Crienexzy to explain family members. Get more of such videos by subscribing to Norwegian Class 101.
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