Can You Tell About The Place Where You Live?

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Norwegian English
Kan du fortelle om sted der du bor?
Can you tell about the place where you live?
Jeg bor i Stovner, Oslo.
I live in Stovner, Oslo.
Det er i utkanten av Oslo.
It is on the outskirts of Oslo.
Det er på linje 5 av T-banen.
It is on line 5 of the subway.
Stovner er et fredelig sted.
Stovner is a peaceful place.
Mange innvandrere bor i Stovner.
Many immigrants stay in Stovner.
Stovner Senter har mange butikker.
Stovner Senter has many shops.
Det finnes også et bibliotek i nærheten.
There is also a library nearby.
Det er et kupert område.
It is a hilly region.
Så det kan bli kaldere enn i byen.
So it can get colder than the city.
Mitt kontor er i Stovner.
My office is in Stovner.

To learn Norwegian fast from a Norwegian teacher, check out Norwegian Class 101.

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