Can You Tell About The Food In Your Country?

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Norwegian English
 Kan du fortelle om maten i hjemlandet ditt?
Can you tell about the food in your country?
 Maten i India er veldig krydret og deilig.
The food in India is very spicy and delicious.
 Mange i India spiser vegetarmat.
Many Indians eat vegetarian food.
 Vi liker å spise søtsaker og matbiter.
We like to eat sweets and snacks.
 Mange matbiter er stekt.
Many snacks are fried.
 Vi får et utvalg av frukt og grønnsaker.
We get a variety of fruits and vegetables.
 Det tar tid å lage indisk mat.
It takes time to prepare Indian food.
 Vi liker å drikke mye te.
We like to drink a lot of tea.
 Gatemat er vanlig i India.
Street food is common in India.
 Mat i India er billigere enn Norge.
Food in India is cheaper than Norway.
 Indisk mat er populært også i Norge.
Indian food is popular even in Norway.

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