Can You Tell About A Time You Were Sad?

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Norwegian English
Kan du fortelle om en gang du var trist?
Can you tell about a time when you were sad?
Jeg hadde levd min barndom i et hus.
I had lived my childhood in a house.
Jeg hadde mange venner i lokaliteten.
I had many friends in the locality.
Nabolaget var hyggelig og vennlig.
The neighborhood was nice and friendly.
Jeg pleide å ha det gøy med vennene mine.
I used to have fun with my friends.
Vi pleide å sykle.
We used to go cycling.
Vi pleide å spille spill i nærheten av huset.
We used to play games near the house.
Så jeg var trist når jeg måtte flytte til et annet sted.
So I was sad when I had to move to another place.
Det nye huset var større og bedre.
The new house was bigger and better.
Men det var langt unna det gamle huset.
But it was far away from the old house.
Så jeg kunne ikke møte vennene mine hver dag.
So I could not meet my friends every day.

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